Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. III Issue NO.: 9 (June 2001)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Cadaveric Organ and Eye donation remains flats in 2000 IN USA

Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

According to new data released by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) and the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA), cadaveric organ and eye donors remained almost flat in 2000 compared to 1999.however, the number  of living donors in the US experienced in the largest one-year increased recorded  - 16.5%.this record increase in living donors accounted for almost half a modest 5.4% gain in organ transplant performed in 2000 – 22857 compared to 1999 to 5532 in 2000, while the number of cadaveric donors increased by only 159, from 5,825 in 1999 to 5,984 in 2000 a modest 2.7%

 A look at eye donation revealed a not so bright picture either. Even though , 46,949 corneas were transplanted in 2000, compared to 45,765 in 1999 the num of cornea donors in 2000 actually declined by 1.5% over 1999.

To cite : Shroff S. Cadaveric Organ and Eye donation remains flats in 2000 IN USA. .
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