Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.21 Issue No.65, March 2022 - June 2022
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

“Towards Affordability” - A Stakeholders' Workshop

Preeti Goswami
Indian Transplant Newsletter. 2022 Mar - Jun; 21(Cumulative issue 65):p9
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

On April 2, 2022, MOHAN Foundation organized a one-day Stakeholders' Workshop at Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, New Delhi under the aegis of National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO). The workshop was supported by the SBI Foundation & SBI Card, Transplants Help the Poor Foundation and Milaap.


The high-level workshop titled “Towards Affordability” included international and Indian stakeholders from the field of healthcare and organ transplantation who came together to discuss ways to make organ transplants affordable for underprivileged people and to increase the deceased donation rate in the country.


The topics covered in the program ranged from understanding transplant costs for liver & kidney transplants, who should pay for the transplant costs, raising funds for poor patients, experiences of transplant coordinators on raising funds for poor patients, government schemes that support transplant costs and utilization of these government schemes.


A session on “The Missing Last Mile in Driving Licenses - What needs to be done” included discussions on leveraging organ donation clause in driving license, current status of organ donation on driving license and perspectives from other countries.


The experienced faculty included eminent doctors from established transplant hospitals of the country (both from the private and government sector), representatives from NGOs that provide support to transplant patients, government officials, transplant coordinators etc.


The sharing of their experiences during the interactive sessions provided valuable insights to the delegates and made them aware and understand the importance of collaborative efforts to support underprivileged people for organ transplants.


The workshop also provided an opportunity and a forum for healthcare professionals, senior consultants & transplant coordinators to meet, interact, share challenges and success stories and get a chance to update their knowledge on government and private schemes for supporting transplants of poor patients.


To cite : Gowsami P. “Towards Affordability” - A Stakeholders' Workshop. Indian Transplant Newsletter. 2022 Mar - Jun; 21(Cumulative issue 65):p9.
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