Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.20 Issue No.63. July 2021 - October 2021
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Transplant Pregnancy Registry International – An Opportunity for Collaboration

Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol.20 Issue No.63. July 2021 - October 2021
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
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The Transplant Pregnancy Registry International (TPRI) is an international organization specializing in studying pregnancy after solid-organ transplantation and to be a resource to the transplant community regarding parenthood after transplantation. TPRI is the longest running voluntary pregnancy registry in the world, which has been collecting pregnancy information for over 30 years.

The first known post-transplant pregnancy occurred in a female recipient in 1958. Both the donor and recipient who were twin sisters went on to have successful pregnancies. TPRI began collecting data internationally since 1991 and now has recipients from over 20 different countries, encompassing more than 2,800 recipients who have reported over 5,000 pregnancy outcomes. TPRI uses a multi-pronged data collection approach involving telephonic interviews, reviewing of medical records and long-term follow-ups.

India currently has one recipient who is part of TPRI, and in an effort to increase the Indian data, MOHAN Foundation along with NATCO (Network and Alliance of Transplant Coordinators) and ISOT (Indian Society of Organ Transplantation) invited Ms. Lisa A. Coscia, Senior Registry Research Coordinator- Transplant Pregnancy Registry International, Philadelphia (USA) to speak at the 14th Annual International Conference of NATCO and the 31st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Organ Transplantation & to help increase the understanding of the Registry and to discuss ways to partner to represent the data from India.

Studying pregnancy outcomes by country and comparing outcomes across countries is an exercise TPRI wishes to undertake in the future to help its patients better. With additional pregnancy outcomes, TPRI will be able to continue to educate healthcare professionals and recipients enabling them to make informed decisions about parenthood after transplantation. MOHAN Foundation and TPRI have undertaken to partner to capture data of Indian transplant recipients and seeks the participation of hospitals, transplant professionals and coordinators for the same.

To cite : Sujatha S, Shroff S. Transplant Pregnancy Registry International – An Opportunity for Collaboration. Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.20 Issue No.63. July 2021 - October 2021.
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