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The First Crossover Kidney Transplantation in Germany
Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol. VII Issue NO.: 24 (Oct 2006 - Feb 2007)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
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The first crossover kidney transplantation in Germany was performed recently in Hamburg and Essen after a 2003 court ruling making the procedure legal in certain circumstances.
In crossover transplantation a healthy person in one couple donates his or her kidney to the ill person in another couple in exchange for a kidney from the recipients’ healthy spouse. The healthy partner in a couple is unable to donate his or her kidney either because of blood group incompatibility or because of the spouse’s sensitization to certain antibodies. In countries like Switzerland and Romania there are no legal obstacles to crossover transplantation.
However in Germany this practice was considered illegal under the transplantation law of 1997. To prevent trade in human organs, German law allowed transplantation between people who have a close relationship, such as a long standing friendship. An independent committee had to ensure that “trusting relationships between the couples were established “and no economic incentives were offered.
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