Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VII Issue NO.: 24 (Oct 2006 - Feb 2007)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Increase in Organ Donation in Sweden

Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol. VII Issue NO.: 24 (Oct 2006 - Feb 2007)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
Print PDF

The number of organs being donated by Swedes for transplant has been  on the increase in 2006. In fact   with organ donations from 136 persons  in 2006, this has been the highest figure  since 1991.

For a few years around 2000, the number of donors stabilised around 100. But after an active  information campaign, more  people have been  signing up to donate their organs.

There are still considerable differences in numbers around the country, however. Many of Sweden’s 71 hospitals with intensive care wards, especially those in the north of the country, lack doctors and nurses to make organ donation a viable proposition.

To cite : Shroff S, Navin S. Increase in Organ Donation in Sweden. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VII Issue NO.: 24 (Oct 2006 - Feb 2007).
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