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Let someone know the joys of life – Donate your organs ... R.Swami Narayan
Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol. V Issue NO.: 16 (Oct 2003 - Feb 2004)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
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Swami - 19 years old with dreams in his eyes, a dream of doing well in college, a dream to travel to the USA to study further, a dream of making his parents proud of him, a dream of …….
Swami – fondly called Appu; also called Saamy by his friends (after the release of a new Tamil movie of the same name)
Swami – quiet but affable, friendly, witty.
Swami – kind, down to earth, concerned about the underprivileged, but with typical teenage contradictions wore only branded clothes, Levis, Dockers, Adidas
Swami – loved his grandmother very much, loved her cooking
Swami – liked SMSing funny msgs to his mom and dad
Swami – the last book he read was :How to make friends and influence people’ by Dale Carnegie in which he had made a notation in pencil. It said “Don’t criticize others.”
Swami has gone, but his dreams may yet be fulfilled through all the lives he has touched, all those people who live to see the dawn because of the extraordinary legacy he has left behind by donating all his organs.
Swami’s parents, Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram and Mr. Raghuram - we salute you.
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