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Low Organ Donation rates in Canada
Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol. IV Issue NO.12. June 2002
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
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Misconceptions about organ donation have contributed in no small measure to organ donor rates lagging behind in Canada as compared to the United States and Spain. Although, the public in general is not averse to the idea of organ donation - 45% of respondents said they had signed an organ donor card or registered an organ donor - another 45% of respondents remained undecided about donation. Some of the common myths and misconceptions prevailing in Canada include.
- Rich people needing organ transplants are more likely to receive them than poorer people. (Yes - 44%, No - 51 %, No response -5%)
- Organ removal disfigures the body. (22%)
- Potential donors might be prematurely declared brain dead in order to harvest their organs and tissues.
- Canada organ donation rates among industrialized countries. (40%)
This has resulted in Canada having 14 donors per million people as compared with 21 donors per million in the United States and 31.5 per million in Spain.
Based on the findings of this telephonic poll of 1516 adults conducted in October 2001 by Environics Research Group for Health Canada, the government has appointed a National Council comprising of government officials, transplant experts, epidemiologists, ethicists and the public to increase awareness about organ donation and create a more effective system to increase organ donor rates.
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