Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.03 Issue No.9 June - 2001
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Liver Transplants

Print ISSN 0972 - 1568


Right grafts versus left liver transplants- the winner; the “rights” have it. A multicenter team of European researchers have found that survival rates for split-liver transplantation are better for recipients of the larger right graft than for patients receiving left liver transplants. It was reported annals of surgery 2001 (233; 565-574), that a study to assess survival rates after liver transplantation has carried out on a group comprising 34 adults who received split-liver transplants and 88 patients who received whole-liver transplants. Similar patient and graft survival rates were seen for patients of right liver and whole-liver transplants. In contrast, left liver transplant were associated with higher level graft failure from primary non function specifically, the 2 years survival rate among patient with whole, right or left liver transplant was 88%, 74% and 64% respectively. The corresponding rates of graft survival were 85%, 74% and 43%.

To cite : Shroff S. Liver Transplants. .
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