Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.23 Issue No.2, April 2024 - June 2024
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Spain Achieves A New Benchmark with 48 Organ Transplants in a 24-Hour Period

Sujatha Suriyamoorthi, Sunil Shroff
Indian Transplant Newsletter. 2024 Apr-Jun; 23(2):p2
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

On April 17, 2024, amidst the tragic loss of their loved ones, 17 families made the selfless decision to donate their loved ones' organs. Additionally, two individuals donated living organs on the same day. In total, 19 donors contributed within a single day, giving 48 patients the opportunity to save or to improve the quality of their lives. The National Transplant Organization (ONT) coordinated these efforts, with participation from 29 hospitals across eleven autonomous communities.


Of the 48 transplants performed, there were 25 kidney transplants, 11 liver transplants, seven lung transplants, three heart transplants, and two pancreas transplants. Among the transplant recipients were three children.


In 2023, Spain performed 5,863 organ transplants, achieving a rate of 122.1 transplants per million population. This was made possible by the 2,346 individuals who donated their organs after death, resulting in a donation rate of 48.9 donors per million population, and the 437 individuals who donated an organ while still alive.

To cite : Suriyamoorthi S, Shroff S. Spain Achieves A New Benchmark with 48 Organ Transplants in a 24-Hour Period. Indian Transplant Newsletter. 2024 Apr-Jun; 23(2):p2.
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