Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.17 Issue No.53. March 2018-June 2018
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

9th One Month Transplant Coordinators' Training Programme held in Chennai

Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol.17 Issue No.53. March 2018-June 2018
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
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MOHAN Foundation in collaboration with the Transplant Authority ofTamil Nadu (TRANSTAN) conducted a One Month TransplantCoordinators’ Training Programme from 2nd to 29th May 2018 inChennai. A total of 33 candidates from West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh,Kerala, Karnataka, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu were present. Theparticipants hailed from various professional backgrounds primarilysocial work, nursing, dialysis technology and administration. Therewas also a participant, Mr. Pradhap G, who belonged to a donorfamily - his uncle’s organs were donated in Puducherry.
National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO),Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare, Govt. of India, accredited one week of the training. Theparticipants received completion certificates with a unique registrationnumber from NOTTO. The training had eminent speakers from TamilNadu, Puducherry and Delhi (via Skype). This was the 9th one-monthtraining programme conducted by MOHAN Foundation and the 20thone-week training in partnership with NOTTO. The training wassupported by Tata Trusts.
The final session of the training was a panel discussion by seniortransplant coordinators. The panel discussion was moderated by Ms.Sujatha Suriyamoorthi. The coordinators who participated in the paneldiscussion were Ms. SendhamaraiSelvi, Mr. Sagayam Francis, Mr.ShankarGanesh K, Mr. Shivakumar, Mr. Senthil Kumar, Mr. Sathish L,Mr. Dhanaraj, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Prakash. How to overcome stresswhile working, as transplant coordinators, will the hospital supporttransplant coordinators when challenging situations arise, what arethe career growth opportunities available for coordinators, howimportant is it to work in a team and build a network, should thefamilies of deceased donors receive compensation were some of the
questions that were raised and discussed.
At the valedictory function, the participants received their completioncertificates from Dr. K. Jayanth Murali, IPS, Director, Directorate ofVigilance and Anticorruption, Dr.P.Balaji, Member Secretary,TRANSTAN, Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Prof. & Head, Dept. ofNephrology, Madras Medical College, Dr. U. Amaleshwari, Director-School of Management, D. G. Vaishnav College, and Dr. Sunil Shroff,Managing Trustee, MOHAN Foundation. Dr. Vimal Bhandari,Director, NOTTO was also present via Skype.

MOHAN Foundation in collaboration with the Transplant Authority of Tamil Nadu (TRANSTAN) conducted a One Month Transplant Coordinators’ Training Programme from 2nd to 29th May 2018 in Chennai. A total of 33 candidates from West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh,Kerala, Karnataka, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu were present. The participants hailed from various professional backgrounds primarily social work, nursing, dialysis technology and administration. There was also a participant, Mr. Pradhap G, who belonged to a donor family - his uncle’s organs were donated in Puducherry.

National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO),Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, accredited one week of the training. The participants received completion certificates with a unique registration number from NOTTO. The training had eminent speakers from Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Delhi (via Skype). This was the 9th one-month training programme conducted by MOHAN Foundation and the 20thone-week training in partnership with NOTTO. The training was supported by Tata Trusts.

The final session of the training was a panel discussion by senior transplant coordinators. The panel discussion was moderated by Ms.Sujatha Suriya moorthi. The coordinators who participated in the panel discussion were Ms. Sendhamarai Selvi, Mr. Sagayam Francis, Mr.Shankar Ganesh K, Mr. Shivakumar, Mr. Senthil Kumar, Mr. Sathish L, Mr. Dhanaraj, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Prakash. How to overcome stress while working, as transplant coordinators, will the hospital support transplant coordinators when challenging situations arise, what are the career growth opportunities available for coordinators, how important is it to work in a team and build a network, should the families of deceased donors receive compensation were some of the questions that were raised and discussed.

At the valedictory function, the participants received their completion certificates from Dr. K. Jayanth Murali, IPS, Director, Directorate of Vigilance and Anticorruption, Dr.P.Balaji, Member Secretary,TRANSTAN, Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Nephrology, Madras Medical College, Dr. U. Amaleshwari, Director-School of Management, D. G. Vaishnav College, and Dr. Sunil Shroff,Managing Trustee, MOHAN Foundation. Dr. Vimal Bhandari, Director, NOTTO was also present via Skype.


To cite : Shroff S, Navin S. 9th One Month Transplant Coordinators' Training Programme held in Chennai. Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.17 Issue No.53. March 2018-June 2018.
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