Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.1 Issue No.3. June 1999
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Kidneys offered from suicide victim

Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol.1 Issue No.3. June 1999
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
Print PDF


Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the retired Michigan pathologist, who believes in assisted suicide helped a 45- year-old quadriplegic commit suicide in June 1998. He then offered the man’s kidneys for transplantation. A Michigan judge said that Kevorkian would face jail time if he participated in any more assisted suicides.

Kevorkian’s offer to donate the kidneys of the man who died led one of his lawyers to quit. Although attorney Michael Odette said he believes in assisted suicide, he said that Kevorkian “went too far” when he offered suicide victim’s kidneys for transplantation. The kidneys went unclaimed. – Associated Press.

To cite : Shroff S, Navin S. Kidneys offered from suicide victim. Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.1 Issue No.3. June 1999.
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