Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VI Issue NO.20/21. Jun-Oct 2005
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

“The Noble Wish”- Film Release in Hyderabad

Indian Transplant Newsletter.
Vol. VI Issue NO.20/21. Jun-Oct 2005
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568
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The Hyderabad Chapter of MOHAN Foundation released a film on organ donation to create awareness and sensitise people to the idea of organ donation. Titled “The Noble Wish” the film depicts the last wish of an organ donor in a simple and straightforward manner and effectively send across the message that ORGAN DONATION SAVES LIVES. The film was released by His Excellency, Shri. Suhsil Kumar Shinde, Governor of Andhra Pradesh at Raj Bhavan on 10 August 2005. The other distinguished guests were Shri. Rosaiah, Hon’ble State Health Minister, Dr. I.V. Subba Rao, Principal Secretary (Health & Family Welfare) and Dr. G.N. Rao, Distinguished Chairperson, Community Eye Health, L.V. Prasad Eye Institute.

At the outset, the welcome address was given by Dr. Sunil Shroff, Managing Trustee, MOHAN Foundation, after which Ms. Lalitha Raghuram, Trustee, MOHAN Foundation read out the Activity Report for the past year. Dr. G.N. Rao, in his speech, analysed the current scenario of organ donation in India and gave suggestions to take the movement forward.  Dr. I.V. Subba Rao pointed out the need to lay down proper procedures to streamline the process of organ donation. Health Minister, Shri. Rosaiah expressed his appreciation to MOHAN Foundation for the work that it was doing and hoped that the organ donation movement would grow in the near future so that more lives could be saved.

Then came the most emotional part of the day’s programme. Four donor families were honoured by the governor. He gave each of them a memento and a shawl. The audience was very moved as the family members came up to meet the Governor with tear-filled eyes. The Governor expressed his appreciation to each family and consoled them soothingly. He said that organ donation truly was the noblest deed of all.

Finally, the vote of thanks was given by Dr. Manimalo Rao, Chairperson of the Governing Council, MOHAN Foundation.

To cite : Shroff S, Navin S. “The Noble Wish”- Film Release in Hyderabad. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VI Issue NO.20/21. Jun-Oct 2005.
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