Content Review Process for Indian Transplant Newsletter
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

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Content Review Process for Indian Transplant Newsletter

Indian Transplant Newsletter follows a robust review policy, the newsletter ensures that it publishes accurate, ethical, and high-quality content that readers can trust. The policy is regularly evaluated to maintain high standards over time. Below, we outline our processes and requirements in detail.

- All articles and content are reviewed by at least two qualified professionals before publication

- Reviewers are required to have relevant expertise in the subject matter of the article

- Reviewers assess articles for medical accuracy, clinical relevance, and adherence to current evidence-based guidelines

- Any claims or recommendations require to be supported by peer-reviewed research citations

- Reviewers may suggest revisions or request additional sources to support key points

Conflict of Interest

- All authors and reviewers are to disclose any potential conflicts of interest

- Content is not allowed to promote specific products, medications, or services

- Any industry funding or support for research cited is clearly disclosed

Editorial Standards

- We use plain language accessible to a general medical and non-medical audience

- Provide balanced coverage of controversial topics, presenting multiple viewpoints

- Clearly distinguish between fact and opinion

- Use proper citations for all statistics and research findings

- Adhere to appropriate medical terminology and nomenclature

Corrections Policy

- Promptly issue corrections for any factual errors in subsequent issue

- Maintain an errata section to document all corrections (create one)

- Allow reader feedback and comments on articles

Regular Review

- We conduct an annual review of the newsletter's editorial policies and procedures

- We solicit feedback from readers and advisory board on content quality and relevance

- Stay up-to-date on best practices for medical publishing and update policies as needed

Advisory Board

- Maintain an advisory board of medical experts to provide oversight and guidance

- Rotate advisory board membership periodically to bring in fresh perspectives