Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. IV Issue NO.: 11 (February 2002)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568


An Eyeopener - Artificial Silicon retinas

Envisioning a bright future for patients with retinitis pigmentosa are artificial silicon retinas (ASR). The ASR consists of a silicon microchip about one - tenth of an inch in diameter and one - thousandth of an inch thick. The device contains approximately 3,500 microscopic solar cell that convert light into electrical impulses. This would replace damaged photoreceptors in the eye. 

The first artificial silicon retinas were successfully implanted in July last year into the eyes of 3 patients (age 45-75 yrs) who had almost total vision loss due to retinitis pigmentosa. The team of surgeons at the University of Illinosis, Chicago said that the microsurgical procedure took about 2 hours to complete. it involved making 3 tiny incisions into the cornea, first. A miniature cutting and vacuuming device was then used to remove the vitroeos humour fluid in the middle of the eye and replaced with saline. Next, fluid was injected through a pinpoint opening in the retina, creating a small pocket in the subretinal space in which the artificial silicon retinas was inserted. Air ws used to close the incision and reseal the retina over the artificial silicon retina.

According to one of the surgeons Jose Pulido. MD one week post surgery the retinas remained attached and there were no signs of any side effedts. it would seem that the procedure is feasible and safe.

Right now this phase 1 safety study is limited to persons with retiniti's pigmentosa, but it may be possible to treat macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly, sometime in the future with artificial silicon retinas.  

How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S. Eyes. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. IV Issue NO.: 11 (February 2002)

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- Shroff S, Navin S. Eyes. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. IV Issue NO.: 11 (February 2002). Available at: