Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. I Issue NO.: 4 (October 1999)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Pennsylvania Programme gives $300 to families for funeral costs

Pennsylvania families of organ donors will receive $300 toward their loved one’s funeral expenses in a new programme that started in July 1999.The money from the state’s Organ Donor Awareness Trust Fund will be given to the funeral home to pay expenses of those people who had an organ donor sticker on their license or had relatives who consented to donate their loved one’s organs.

According to Pat Kail Cornick, Public affairs director at the Centre for Organ Recovery and Education, Pennsylvania, some donor families take satisfaction that their loved one did not die in vain, others need more of an incentive. It  is hoped that the new programme will increase the percentage of drivers who  place the organ donor designation on their license . 

The idea of offering financial benefits has been hotly debated in the transplant community. People worry that whenever money is provided as compensation for a body part, it is possible that people are being coerced - especially poor people. However, the $300 may be viewed as a small enough to be just a token of thanks for a donation made on altruistic grounds.

How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S. Pennsylvania Programme gives $300 to families for funeral costs. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. I Issue NO.: 4 (October 1999)

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- Shroff S, Navin S. Pennsylvania Programme gives $300 to families for funeral costs. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. I Issue NO.: 4 (October 1999). Available at: