First face transplant in china |
Mr. Li “Guoxing, a 30-year old, whose face had been disfigured from an attack by a bear, received a partial face transplant operation in a north-western Chinese hospital on April 14, 2006. This was the first face transplant in China and the second in the world(Isabelle dinoire being the first person to receive such a transplant in France). In the 14-hour procedure, Mr. Li was given a new check, upper lip, nose and an eyebrow. Mr. Li was looking for his lost sheep on a mountain near his village when he saw a black bear eating it. Mr. Li picked up a wooden stick to try to drive the bear away, only to enrage the animal. The bear pounced on him and mauled his face: the right side of his face and nose were almost lost. Mr. Li was immediately sent to a local hospital for treatment. His life was saved but the disfigurement remained as he could not afford plastic surgery. Mr. Li waited nearly a month in Xijing Hospital in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi province, before the hospital was able to locate a brain-dead male donor. Following the face transplant, Mr. Li came through the 24 hour post-operative critical period successfully, but the final success of the transplant will depend on whether Mr. Li can get through an acute rejection period of two months.
How to cite this article: - Shroff S, Navin S. First face transplant in china. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VII Issue NO.: 22/23 (Feb-Jun 2006)
How to cite this URL: - Shroff S, Navin S. First face transplant in china. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VII Issue NO.: 22/23 (Feb-Jun 2006). Available at: https://www.itnnews.co.in/indian-transplant-newsletter/issue22/23/First-face-transplant-in-china-690.htm |