All India Transplant Games in Punjab |
The All India Transplant Games will be held in Ludhiana. All transplants units should support the games. At this juncture we must remember the founder of the games – Dr. R.V.S Yadav who had an untimely demise this year. The games have come a long way in all these years and it is mostly due to his zeal that we have seen the games grow. The transplant clinicians should ensure that the games continue to be well supported by active participations of the patients and their families. The games are the best way to publicize that the quality of life after transplant is comparable to any other normal person. For participation, please contact the local organizing committee head Dr.Baldev Singh Alukah Head, Urology And Transplant Unit , Dayanand Medical College Ludhiana 141001
Making the games a success would be the best way to pay tribute to the memory of Dr. Yadav
How to cite this article: - Shroff S, Navin S. All India Transplant Games in Punjab. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VII Issue NO.: 22/23 (Feb-Jun 2006)
How to cite this URL: - Shroff S, Navin S. All India Transplant Games in Punjab. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. VII Issue NO.: 22/23 (Feb-Jun 2006). Available at: https://www.itnnews.co.in/indian-transplant-newsletter/issue22/23/ALL-INDIA-TRANSPLANT-GAMES-IN-PUNJAB-681.htm |