Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. 10 Issue NO.: 35 (Mar 2012 - Jun 2012)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

First transplant surgery performed in Japan with six-year-old brain dead donor

Japan conducted its first transplant surgery with organs from a six-year-old brain dead donor in June 2012. The family donated the boy's heart, liver and kidneys. Doctors at the National Centre for Child Health and Development in Tokyo revealed that they had successfully transplanted the liver to a girl under the age of 10 who was suffering from hepatic insufficiency. The kidneys were transplanted to a woman in her 60s at Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital in Toyama city. Surgeons at Osaka University Hospital successfully transplanted the heart to a girl, also under age 10, making her the youngest person to receive a heart transplant in Japan. The donation of the boy's organs was made possible by a 2010 revision to the organ transplant law, which allows donations to be made by children under the age of 15, but includes tougher criteria for declaring brain death for those under six.

How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S. First transplant surgery performed in Japan with six-year-old brain dead donor. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. 10 Issue NO.: 35 (Mar 2012 - Jun 2012)

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- Shroff S, Navin S. First transplant surgery performed in Japan with six-year-old brain dead donor. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. 10 Issue NO.: 35 (Mar 2012 - Jun 2012). Available at: