Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. 13 Issue No.: 40 (Nov 2013-Feb 2014)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Healthy Baby Born to Brain Dead Mother followed by Organ Donation

A healthy baby boy was born in eastern Hungary after his brain dead mother was kept on a ventilator for about three months to bring him to term, and delivered by cesarean section. “The baby is already growing up at home, with his family. He was delivered by cesarean section during the summer of 2013,” Prof. Dr. Bela Fulesdi, President of the University of Debrecen Medical and Health Science Center, Hungary, told journalists. He was born in the 27th week of pregnancy. He weighed only 1.42 kg but was healthy. The 31-yearold woman was declared brain dead after a brain hemorrhage in her 15th week of pregnancy. She was kept on a ventilator for 92 days. After the birth of the baby, the young woman’s heart, pancreas, liver and two kidneys were transplanted to four patients, said Fulesdi.

How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S. Healthy Baby Born to Brain Dead Mother followed by Organ Donation. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. 13 Issue No.: 40 (Nov 2013-Feb 2014)

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- Shroff S, Navin S. Healthy Baby Born to Brain Dead Mother followed by Organ Donation. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. 13 Issue No.: 40 (Nov 2013-Feb 2014). Available at: