Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. V Issue NO.: 17/18 (Feb-Jun-Oct 2004)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

‘’Seven –Month’’ Wonder

A seven –month –old donor made it possible for another baby to live to see the wonder of the world around her.Alessia di matteo  (seven –and-a- half –month old baby girl) of Genoa ,Italy received eight new organs in single transplant operation operation the Jackson memorial hospital,Miami,U.S.A.Alessia wsa born with a smooth muscle disorder which prevented the normal functioning of her stomach ,intestine and kidneys:this would have been fatal if left untreated .she received a liver,stomach,pancreas ,small intestine ,large intestine,spleen and two kidneys;all retrieved from the same seven –month-old donor and transplanted as a unit ,according to Dr.andreas Tzakis, the lead surgeon .The operation which took place in 2004 was announced only seven weeks later in mid-march .holding Alessia ,her mother monica di matteo (39),said that she was hoping for a normal life for her daughter.






How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S. ‘’Seven –Month’’ Wonder. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. V Issue NO.: 17/18 (Feb-Jun-Oct 2004)

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- Shroff S, Navin S. ‘’Seven –Month’’ Wonder. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. V Issue NO.: 17/18 (Feb-Jun-Oct 2004). Available at: