Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. III Issue NO.: 10 (October 2001)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Conference on liver diseases in Chandigarh emphasizes need for Cadaver Organ Donations

A conference on “Current Perspectives in Liver Diseases and Hepatic Encephalopathy” at the PGI Chandigarh brought into focus once again the need to generate more cadaver organ donation through active awareness programmes. Although data reveals that in India, every year, as many as 2 lakhs to 2.5 lakhs of personal die due to chronic liver diseases, specialists say that the figure is an underestimate. Medical treatment for chronic liver disease can only help us to a point beyond which a liver transplant is the only answer. In the USA and the UK, cadaver liver transplants are being performed with extremely good survival rates, up to 60% - 70% in the first year. However, in the USA, the concept of a living donor for liver transplants in adults is gaining ground with 270 transplants being performed in the year 2000. In this type of transplant two- thirds of the right lobe of the donor is transplanted in the recipient. The donor liver subsequently regenerates to its original size, although not the same shape.

Doctors in India feel that with living donors, two lives are being put at risk and that with living donors, two lives are being put at risk and that the answer to chronic liver failure definitely lies in transplants from cadaver based organ donations.

How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S.  Conference on liver diseases in Chandigarh emphasizes need for Cadaver Organ Donations. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. III Issue NO.: 10 (October 2001)

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- Shroff S, Navin S.  Conference on liver diseases in Chandigarh emphasizes need for Cadaver Organ Donations. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. III Issue NO.: 10 (October 2001). Available at: