Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. I Issue NO.: 4 (October 1999)
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568


“I am in the process of starting a renal unit at our institute and the dialysis facility is just being set up. Transplantation is a target for the future for us. It is very heartening to note the efforts you are putting in to promote the cause of cadaver organ donation. It is very much needed.”

-          Dr. Rajeev Agarwal

Bapuji Hospital, Davangere, Karnataka


“I am indeed very impressed by the newsletter. I am very happy that you have taken such initiative to get this newsletter published, printed, and sent across to all the people who are interested in the transplant programme in India. I look forward to interacting with you more often in the future.”

-          Dr. V.V. Lakshminarayanan

Head, Dept. Of Nephrology

Woodlands Hospital &

Medical Research Centre Ltd

8/5, Alipore Road, Calcutta


" Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the Indian Transplant Newsletter. I found it a very interesting read and though there appear to be many similarities (in the cadaver transplant programme) there are also differences, which were very illuminating."

- Jenny Warner

Transplant Coordinator

South Thames Transplant Coordination Service

King's Healthcare (Dulwich), East Dulwich Grove

Dulwich, London, U.K


"Your Transplant Newsletter makes interesting reading"

- Dr. G. Venkat Raman, MD, FRCP

Counsltant Renal Physician, Wessex Renal &

Transplant Unit, St. Mary's Hospital,

Portsmouth. U.K


"Many thanks for sending me the first issue of the Indian Transplant Newsletter, which I read with great interest and pleasure. I really was thrilled to know about the story of Dr. A. K. Annamalai's gifting his kidneys to his wife. This gesture will certainly encourage many of our people to donate their organs without hesitation."

Padma Sri Dr. D.K. Karanjavala, MS, FRCS (Eng)


How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S. Feedback. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. I Issue NO.: 4 (October 1999)

How to cite this URL:
- Shroff S, Navin S. Feedback. Indian Transplant Newsletter Vol. I Issue NO.: 4 (October 1999). Available at: