Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.20 Issue No.62. March 2021 - June 2021
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

A transplanted kidney that is 101 years old!

Daniel Lane is 74 years old and his transplanted kidney is 101 years old! Mr. Lane who lives in Montrose, Colorado, USA had his kidney transplant surgery on 10th May 1971. He was 24 at the time and his mother Evelyn Lane who was the donor was 50. Mr. Lane had a congenital defect that led to kidney disease and, following a bout of influenza, he ended up with kidney failure. His kidney transplant was performed in Denver by a team led by Dr. Thomas E. Starzl, who has often been called the ‘father of modern transplantation.’ Mr. Lane’s mother died in 2014.

How to cite this article:
- Navin S, Shroff S. A transplanted kidney that is 101 years old!. Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.20 Issue No.62. March 2021 - June 2021

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- Navin S, Shroff S. A transplanted kidney that is 101 years old!. Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.20 Issue No.62. March 2021 - June 2021. Available at: