Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.19 Issue No.60. July 2020 - October 2020
Print ISSN 0972 - 1568

Saskatchewan launches online organ and tissue registry to improve donation rates


Logan Boulet from Saskatchewan, Canada was 21 years old when he died in a tragic bus crash on 6th April 2018. He was one of 16 other people who died in that crash. But he had signed an organ donation card previously and saved six lives through that decision. His story
inspired more than 100,000 people to sign up to become organ donors. This is now referred to as the Logan Boulet Effect and 7th April is known as Green Shirt Day in his honour. In an ongoing effort to improve organ donation rates and reduce transplant waitlists in the province of Saskatchewan, the government launched an online organ and tissue registry on 3rd September 2020. Any resident aged 16 and older can make a declaration of their intention to become an organ and tissue donor. Dr. Joann Kawchuk, the Saskatchewan Health Authority medical director for donation, said that registering was the only secured and guaranteed way to ensure a donor’s intention is known and would help support grieving families by confirming the intentions of their loved ones.

Logan Boulet from Saskatchewan, Canada was 21 years old when he died in a tragic bus crash on 6th April 2018. He was one of 16 other people who died in that crash. But he had signed an organ donation card previously and saved six lives through that decision. His story inspired more than 100,000 people to sign up to become organ donors. This is now referred to as the Logan Boulet Effect and 7th April is known as Green Shirt Day in his honour. In an ongoing effort to improve organ donation rates and reduce transplant waitlists in the province of Saskatchewan, the government launched an online organ and tissue registry on 3rd September 2020. Any resident aged 16 and older can make a declaration of their intention to become an organ and tissue donor. Dr. Joann Kawchuk, the Saskatchewan Health Authority medical director for donation, said that registering was the only secured and guaranteed way to ensure a donor’s intention is known and would help support grieving families by confirming the intentions of their loved ones.


How to cite this article:
- Shroff S, Navin S. Saskatchewan launches online organ and tissue registry to improve donation rates. Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.19 Issue No.60. July 2020 - October 2020

How to cite this URL:
- Shroff S, Navin S. Saskatchewan launches online organ and tissue registry to improve donation rates. Indian Transplant Newsletter. Vol.19 Issue No.60. July 2020 - October 2020. Available at: